Saving For the Future
Uganda has over 4000 Rotarians and Rotaractors. There is a focus on attracting young people into rotary and this has led to new clubs with predominately young Rotarians. These are characterized by young families and new careers hence reduced residual Income.
The Rotarians Uganda Sacco was registered on 12th January 2022 with registration number P.207/RCS under the Provisions of Section 6(1) of the Cooperative Societies Amendment Act 2020.
After mobilization of members across the country, the first AGM was held on 12th March 2022 where a Board was elected, budget for 1st year passed and several other resolutions passed.
For 1st year passed and several other resolutions passed. Learn More
Ensure economic empowerment through innovative investment products

Shares Starting From UGX25,000
All members of Rotarian Uganda Sacco are also shareholders and must at least have 4 shares. Shares can be bought at any time or transferred to another member.

Membership Starting From UGX50,000 Annually
The annual subscriptions are used to run/manage the affairs of the SACCO. A UGX50,000 shillings as an annual subscription fee is proposed by ...

Family Life Protect Starting From UGX0 Annually
We can't predict the future. However, we can help our loved ones by planning for it with life insurance. In just a few minutes we can help ...
The SACCO idea started with a number of members of Bugolobi Morning Tide in 2019. The SACCO proposal was then presented to the Rotary D9213 President Elects (Presidents 2022/23) led by District Governor Elect Mike Sebalu as an initiative for Economic and Community Development to uplift Rotarians and Rotaractors. The Rotarians Uganda Sacco was registered on 12th January 2022 with registration number P.207/RCS under the Provisions of Section 6(1) of the Cooperative Societies Amendment Act 2020. After mobilization of members across the country, the first AGM was held on 12th March 2022 where a Board was elected, budget for 1st year passed and several other resolutions passed. The SACCO idea started with a number of members of Bugolobi Morning Tide in 2019. The SACCO proposal was then presented to the Rotary D9213 President Elects (Presidents 2022/23).